Mudlum and P. I. Filimonov

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Title: Content:
Time of Event:
Venue: Estonian Writers’ Union (see on map)
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Original language: Estonian
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Mudlum is a writer of short stories and a critic who became known through the ZA/UM group. In 2014, she published her debut – a collection of stories entitled Tõsine inimene (A Serious Person) – and immediately garnered praise for her skilful marriage of memories and the mundane. Her “burlesque story” Ilus Elviira (Beautiful Elviira), published in 2015, also demonstrated the same traits – descriptions of mundane objects or situations evolve into generalisations about the era or generation. P. I. Filimonov (1975) is an Estonian prose author writing in Russian, and his most recent book Hariton Naganovi surm ja ajatus. Libabiograafia (The Death and Timelessness of Hariton Naganov. A Fake Biography) takes a characteristically wry and ironic look at lives of the Estonian Russian bohemian set of his youth, the 1990s. Are these authors connected by something else apart from the fact of using pseudonyms and their knack for taking a witty look at the past?

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