The Tallinn HeadRead literary festival, like Tallinn itself, is small but perfectly formed. Run by Estonian writers, publishers and translators, the festival is a feast, a conversation and a joy, as the beautiful city opens up to interesting writers from all over the world. Winter has fled, the Summer is full of promise, and the festival unfolds as a marvellous party, held by the wittiest hosts, who look after their guests wonderfully well, engaging with them off, as well as on, the podium.
Estonian summers sparkle, because they are so brief, and it seems that everything in this tiny country is slightly smaller, and noticeably brighter, than elsewhere. The humour is sharper, the lessons of history clearer, the old buildings more completely preserved, the audiences more engaged: everything appears more concentrated and intense, from the light to the conversation.
Jason Goodwin
6. December 2016
HeadRead 2017

Information regarding HeadRead 2017 is available on the HeadRead 2017 website.
10. August 2016
HeadRead 2016 media coverage
IN ESTONIAN Eesti Päevaleht Catherine Webb: kirjutamine on muutnud mu elu fantastiliseks, 26.05.2016 Kirjanikud hüppasid aplausi nimel ...
3. August 2016
Claire North's talk is now online!
You can now watch the conversation of Claire North and Kaisa Kaer, held on 29 May at the Estonian Writers' Union, at ETV2's home page. Directed by Elo Selirand, produced by Kadi Priske.