Viiu-Marie Fürstenberg and Maria Viidalepp
All keen readers, whether children, young adults or the young at heart can meet new authors and established writers at the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre. On Thursday, 26 May at 10 am, the programme will kick off with our national treasure Andrus Kivirähk, whose book Oskar ja asjad (Oskar and Things) was one of the most popular books last year among children as well as adults. Oskar’s summer at his grandmother’s where objects spring into life and take on personalities and entirely new dimensions becomes a nice homage to imagination. The same day at 13 pm, the writer Viiu-Marie Fürstenberg (1983) and artist Maria Viidalepp (1984) will present their fresh and relevant book Mitte kaotada! Ühe tüdruku päevik (Do Not Lose! A Diary of A Girl, 2016), which is about a 12-year girl named Reena and her difficulties with fitting in at school. It is Fürstenberg’s fourth book, while Viidalepp has already gained recognition as a multi-talented painter, fashion designer, musician and film director. The day will be concluded by a meeting with Claire North (see separate article).
On Friday, 27 May at 10 am, Ilmar Tomusk (1964) and Mika Keränen (1973) will meet their readers – they share a knack for writing children’s stories with plots involving crime. Last year, the increasingly prolific Tomusk published a new instalment of adventures of Piia and Mati (formerly Kribu and Krabu) and their friend Paul, who lives in Scotland: the trio solve a bank robbery in the book Kriminaalne pangapresident (The Criminal Bank President, 2015). Mika Keränen will publish the seventh book in his extremely popular Supilinn’s Secret Society series – Küttepuuvargad (Firewood Thieves, 2015). The two crime masters will be followed at 12 pm by Siri Kolu (1972), who is a returning guest. Last year, a fourth book of her fun and adventurous stories was published in Estonian.
On Saturday, 28 May at 12 pm, the centre will open its courtyard, where a book fair will give everyone a chance to exchange books. Children can also meet Nukitsamees (Bumpy), who will invite them to play with characters and words. At 2 pm, Pann the Clown will tell stories, hold a quiz and tell jokes.
The event is in Estonian.