Simon Clark

Simon Clark (1958) is a British author best known for his horror novels. Estonian audiences can read his best-known work, the 2001 novel The Night of the Triffids. It is a sequel to John Wyndham’s 1951 post-apocalyptic novel The Day of the Triffids, a real tour de force of fan fiction. Wyndham’s triffids were genetically modified carnivorous and mobile plants, who wanted to take over the world, using their communication and attacking skills and aided by the sudden blindness of humans. The events of The Night of the Triffids are kicked off 25 years later. Again, the world is thrown into chaos, again, the world is afflicted with blindness caused by interstellar dust, and again, the plants go on the attack. Pilot David Masen, the son of the protagonist of The Day of the Triffids, Bill Masen, goes through dramatic adventures, taking him from England to Manhattan, which is protected from the triffids, but ruled by a human dictator. The novel won Clark the British Fantasy Award in 2002. Simon Clark will discuss triffids and more with writer and journalist Peeter Helme.
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