Eva Koff (1973) is an Estonian writer and translator. She emerged on the literary scene in the early 2000s, when her play Meie isa won the drama competition organised by the Estonian Theatre Agency. The play is based on the documentary novel L’Adversaire by French writer Emmanuel Carrère (translated into Estonian by Eva Koff’s husband Indrek Koff). The book tells the real-life story of Jean-Claude Romand, who, after living under an assumed identity for decades, murders his unsuspecting family. Eva Koff’s Meie isa looks at the story from the perspective of Romand’s children. Koff’s play Sabaga täht won third prize at the 2005 drama competition. She has written the children’s books Kust tulevad vastused? (2002) and Keerutädi (2012, first prize at the children’s books competition Põlvepikuraamat), worked as a writer for children’s programmes on television and radio and translated the novel Stupeur et tremblements by the Belgian author Amélie Nothomb into Estonian.
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Date | Event Name | Location |
Wednesday, 24 May at 18:00 | New writing by Estonian authors: Eva Koff, Vahur Afanasjev, Mehis Heinsaar | Estonian Writers’ Union |