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Venue: | Estonian Writers’ Union (see on map) |
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Original language: | Estonian |
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Last year was a seminal one in the work of both Eva Koff (1972) as well as Jüri Kolk (1973). Eva Koff’s novel Sinine mägi (Blue Mountain) tied for second place in the 2017 novel competition and was nominated for the prose award of the Estonian Cultural Endowment. Jüri Kolk published no less than three works last year, all in different genres. Whereas his collection of poems Kuu ja kirves (The Moon and the Axe) and collection of short stories Naistepäev (Women’s Day) confirmed his established excellence in these genres, his debut novel Roheline suits (Green Smoke) expanded his range. When it comes to work and mentality, Koff and Kolk seem quite disparate. Koff’s flowing turns of phrase and plunges into the depths of the human soul contrast with the sparse, punchline-rich and ironic take of Kolk. Whereas readers of Koff allow themselves to be carried along by the text like a powerful river, the readers of Kolk sit on the banks and look at the world with a wry smile, with their toes in the water. How do these seemingly different authors see each other’s work? Perhaps these differences will reveal some similar undercurrents?