Reeli Reinaus

Reeli Reinaus (1977) is a prolific children’s and young adult writer who has published more than 20 books, with no less than five of them appearing last year. The young adult book San Agustini vereohvrid (The Blood Sacrifices of San Agustin) is the last instalment of her pirate stories inspired adventure trilogy, set on a mysterious treasure island full of the ghosts of vengeful dead. Her book Maarius, maagia ja libahunt Liisi (Maarius, Magic and Liisi the Werewolf) is partly inspired by forest myths and especially the story of the werewolf. Her book Vanalinna detektiivid: Mustpeade maalid (The Detectives of the Old Town: The Paintings of the Black Heads) is a fun thriller in which two clever protagonists, Rebeka and Gregor, investigate the mystery of paintings disappearing from the House of the Black Heads, leading them to the darker corners of the history of Tallinn, complete with ghosts. The book Suusi ja kadunud uni (Suusi and the Vanished Sleep) is based on the premise that is well known to every child and parent – an evening when you cannot get to sleep.
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