Timo Parvela meeting young children

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Venue: Estonian Children's Literature Centre (see on map)
Programme and Format:
Original language: Finnish
Translated to: Estonian
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Location: the attic

Timo Parvela

‘Timo Parvela (1964) is a Finnish children’s author. He first became known to Estonian readers in 2006 with his Ella books that he has been writing since 1995. Ella is a primary school student who ends up in various places and situations with her teacher and schoolmates. Eight Ella books in total have been translated into Estonian so far, the most recent of which was published last year. Ella is already in second grade and having concluded with her schoolmates that their teacher is ill, they take it on themselves to nurse her back to health. Parvela has also joined the Norwegian author Bjørn Sortland to write the six-part book series Kepler62, a sci-fi world for children, a space journey adventure that is set in motion by a computer game and has an almost dystopian background – an overcrowded the Earth running out of natural resources. Parvela has also written for parents – his book written with the child psychiatrist Jari Sinkkonen is aimed at parents who are sending their children to school for the first time. You can meet Timo Parvela on Friday 25 May at the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre.

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