James Robertson (1958) is a Scottish author who has written novels, short stories, poetry and children’s books. Robertson takes his subject matter from the history of Scotland – his 2000 debut prominently features the activities of the 17th century Scottish Presbyterians; the titular protagonist of his next novel Joseph Knight is also a historical figure, a man sold into slavery in Jamaica, who went to court in 1778 to attain freedom. Robertson’s most successful novel The Testament of Gideon Mack (2006) turns its gaze from history to more timeless questions like religion and relations with God. His most recent novel To Be Continued… (2016) is set in the modern world, shortly after the Scottish independence referendum. It is a funny story about an exchange between a 50-year-old journalist who likes drink a little too much, and a talking toad named Mungo. To Be Continued… is a book about writing and the mentality and landscapes of Scotland. James Robertson will talk to writer and translator Jüri Kolk.
Performs at
Date | Event Name | Location |
Sunday, 27 May at 12:00 | Poetry mass | Niguliste Museum |
Sunday, 27 May at 14:00 | James Robertson and Jüri Kolk | Estonian Writers’ Union |