Martin Edwards (1955) is a notable member of the crime fiction scene, both as an author and a keen analyst of the genre. He has won the Edgar, Agatha and H.R.F. Keating awards for both his own novels as well as works dealing with the genre. Edwards has written the series of the lawyer Harry Devlin, a series set in the Lake District and several stand-alone novels and he has been especially lauded for his skill to connect the plot to a specific place and create a special and engaging atmosphere. He has also written more than 60 short stories. In 2017, Edwards was awarded the Poirot Prize for his contribution to traditional crime fiction. His greatest recognition came with the work The Golden Age of Murder. It looks at the inter-war period as the heyday of crime fiction and challenges quite a few preconceived ideas related to the period. Edwards has also edited crime fiction anthologies and written forewords and comments to reprints of classics. Sophie Hannah and Martin Edwards will talk to British crime author Jason Goodwin.
Performs at
Date | Event Name | Location |
Thursday, 24 May at 19:00 | Sophie Hannah and Martin Edwards | Estonian Writers’ Union |