Mart Juur’s Poetry Disco
If Mart Juur had lived during the zenith of modernism and a little bit more to the east of Estonia and if Vladimir Mayakovsky had known him, then perhaps he, too, would have been called a man and a steamboat. Thankfully, that is not the case, but Juur is an institution to his own in postmodern Estonia, too. Although he can be called the Minister of Literature only jokingly (in allusion to the programme he presents on Estonian Television), it is said that the recommendations of the minister have a tangible effect on book sales. Juur is undoubtedly a great lover of literature and this is why his poetry disco has become a tradition of the festival. Besides, it presents him with a chance to combine his love of literature and his love of music. It is a shame that the poetry disco is like an aloe, blossoming only one evening a year, yet it is exactly the right evening because what could be a better introduction to a great literary feast? The poetry disco begins on Wednesday, 27 May at 10 pm at the KuKu Club and ends when it ends.