Marju Kõivupuu. Mythological Stories and Songs

Marju Kõivupuu (1960) is a well-known philologist and folklorist, one of those enchanting personalities who can turn this tiny scrap of land called Estonia into something exciting and great. Her activities demonstrate how, by disentangling and recreating the complicated patterns of mythical songs and images, it is possible to discover the springs of primal creation, which can be used for inspiration even today. That Kõivupuu speaks about our distant past and heritage both astutely and engagingly is evidenced by the fact that her book 100 Estonian Sacred Places was voted the best reference book of 2011 by an Estonian author. Festival HeadRead is happy that Marju Kõivupuu will come on Friday, 29 May at 4 pm to the great hall of Tallinn Central Library to ask some questions: Was the world created from the egg of the fairy tale bird? Who went up to the sky from the oak tree and killed a great ox? Why should you never plant peas in a graveyard? Why are the Moon and Sun unfit suitors? On who did the oak tree put a coif? It is obvious that Kõivupuu will find answers to these questions from our ancient runo song tradition.


Tallinn Central Library