Schwob: Great Forgotten Writers
It is clear that by now, there is such an amount of literature that no one would be able to read all good written word in their lifetime. Therefore, it is natural that some important authors or books of great literature can become overshadowed by others or already have. The literary network Schwob ( attempts to even out the undeserved oblivion by looking for good literature from all over the world, which has not been translated (enough), has become forgotten and which specialists will try to drag out of oblivion in a common effort. By now, Schwob has connected literary people and institutions from the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Finland, Wales and Catalonia and this year, Schwob will reach our festival. The network and its aims will be discussed at the Estonian Writers’ Union on Saturday, 30 May at 2 pm by the best known connoisseurs: Boyd Tonkin, the columnist of The Independent, and Nils Ahl, the critic for Le Monde des livres.