Young and Green

Estonia’s largest daily Eesti Ekspress has an exciting tradition: to come up with the future players in their cultural section Areen, writing about young artists and athletes, who hopefully will do great things in a few years. This year, something similar is happening at festival HeadRead, although without the ringing titles: we offer a chance to perform to authors who are at the beginning of their literary journeys and just starting out. Conversely, this offer can be seen as a soothing and joyful ritual that should somewhat silence the fears that the youth is going off the rails, and no threat or curse can make them read books. Taking a closer look, one can observe the considerable size of authors of the magazine Värske Rõhk that publishes young writers, and other publications crop up, too, such as the webzine Kaktus. Everyone is welcome on Thursday 28 May at 7 pm in Kloostri Ait, to listen to fresh poetry and future favourites. You can meet Mae Altvälja, Mariin Lõksuhiir, Maria Koff, Eik Erik Sikk, Emmi Kõiv, Rahel Toomik and Kaisa Kuslapuu.


Kloostri Ait