Jason Goodwin

Jason Goodwin (1964) is an English writer and historian and also the member of the organizing team of the festival. In Estonia, he is mostly known for his series of historical crime novels about the Istanbul detective Yaşim, five of which have been translated into Estonian (most recently The Baklava Club in 2014). The titular hero of the series is a eunuch and sultan’s confidant in 19th century Ottoman empire. Even though Estonians have had their own Goodwin for some time – Indrek Hargla, who created the character apothecary Melchior, who solves murders in medieval Tallinn – crime fiction is yet to become a rage in these parts. That is a good reason to hold another workshop at our festival, to discuss – under the charismatic and easy-going supervision of Goodwin – what is necessary for an exciting and effective crime novel. Goodwin’s workshop will take place on Friday, 29 May at 3 pm at the Tallinn Central Library. He will also talk to Icelandic crime writer Yrsa Sigurðardóttir at the Estonian Writers’ Union on Saturday, 30 May at 4 pm.