First, Ramo Teder (1970), a musician and artist, known as the artist Pastacas; one of the best known artists of electronic folk in Estonia, creating music for both bands (for example, the Estonian-Japanese group Tenniscoats) as well as a solo artist (his most recent album Pohlad was released in 2016). He is a slightly mysterious character whose distinctive drawings can also be found in the books of Lauri Sommer. Second, Marko Veisson (1975), a musician and social scientist and anthropologist, who was in Ghana when this article was being written. Third, the talharpa, a stringed instrument that has many names and is mostly played on the Estonian island of Vormsi. Fourth, looping, that is, the electronic repetition of sounds or melodies. When you mix all of these elements together and add lyrics free of prejudices and based on free associations, you get pUULUUp.
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