A whirlwind of genres and performers with the brightest stars of the Estonian literary scene.
Programme Events

Andrei Ivanov

Andrus Kivirähk

Berk Vaher’s poetry disco

Bright Young Things

Children’s book fair and concert

Crazed Tallinn

Heli Illipe Sootak and Katrin Erlich

Igor Lyssov, From Ancient Greece to Dostoyevsky

Kairi Look

Kertu Sillaste’s performance

Learning letters with Bumpy

Literary walk in Kadriorg

Literary walk in Kalamaja

Literary walk in the footsteps of Siuru

Literary walk in the Old Town

Meelis Friedenthal

Mihkel Mutt

New writing by Estonian authors: Anti Saar, Leelo Tungal, Janika Kronberg

New writing by Estonian authors: Eva Koff, Vahur Afanasjev, Mehis Heinsaar

New writing by Estonian authors: Kätlin Kaldmaa, Maarja Kangro, P. I. Filimonov

New writing by Estonian authors: Triin Soomets, Ilmar Taska, Kaupo Meiel

Panel discussion: Food and Literature

Poetry cafés: Adam Cullen and Imar Kutšukali

Poetry cafés: Hanneleele Kaldmaa and Velle Tamme

Poetry cafés: Kai-Mai Olbri and Maimu Jõgeda

Poetry cafés: Kätlin Kaldmaa and Liisu Siimer

Poetry cafés: Paul-Eerik Rummo and Raul Sööt

Poetry mass at the Niguliste Museum

Programme of the VHK School: Lights Going Off


The Tallinn Literary Centre presents: Mati Unt’s Tallinn

The Tallinn Literary Centre presents: Siuru 100

Yelena Skulskaya’s poetry programme A Lost Streetcar