Jaanus Vaiksoo and Wimberg

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Venue: Estonian Children's Literature Centre (see on map)
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  • Conversation with writer
Original language: Estonian
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Jaanus Vaiksoo

© Dmitri Kotjuh

Jaanus Vaiksoo (1967) is an Estonian writer, literary scholar and lecturer. As a scholar, Vaiksoo has researched Estonian literature of the late 19th century and early 20th century. His first book, Gailit ja Nipernaadi (Gailit and Nipernaadi, Koolibri, 1995) attempts to describe the essence of August Gailit through his most famous novel Toomas Nipernaadi (1928). In 2010, Vaiksoo compiled the collection of Eduard Vilde’s crime stories titled Kuul pähe (Bullet to the Head). Vaiksoo is also an expert on German literature and has translated the works of Leo Perutz into Estonian. However, since 2000, Vaiksoo has gained renown above all for his books for children and has become one of the most popular and prolific children’s authors. Last year, he published several books; Loode-Eesti regionaalhaigla elulood (The Life Histories of the Regional Hospital of North-Western Estonia, Ärkel, 2018) brings together the stories told over six months by the patients of the rehabilitation department. In the introduction of the book, Vaiksoo calls the hospital the “cradle of decameronness”. The collection of stories Miku ja Mirjami kuus kummalist kohtumist (The Six Peculiar Encounters of Mikk and Mirjam, Ärkel, 2018) is about the reading skills and imagination of children leading them to new adventures. Jaanus Vaiksoo meets his readers with Wimberg.

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Wimberg (1979) is the pen name of Jaak Urmet, an Estonian poet, prose writer, literary historian and children’s author. He emerged on the literary scene in the late 1990s as one of the most vocal members of the TNT literary group. In 2002, his semi-autobiographical debut novel Lipamäe announced his talent as a prose writer. However, he is mostly known as a poet, his poetry is expressive and chanting, and he knows how to make the most of these qualities in his live performances. His work also cherishes humour, playfulness and the conviction that no subject is too base for poetry – for example, his 2010 collection Eesti köökk comprises slogan-like poems about tasty food. His prose is equally playful; in 2009, he published Eesti naise õnn (The Happiness of the Estonian Woman) under the pseudonym Grete Márquez, parodying the rhetoric and desire for everything foreign that abounds in women’s magazines. Wimberg is also a recognised children’s author, the screenwriter of the popular children’s programme Buratino tegutseb jälle (Buratino Is Back). In 2005, his poems written for the show were published in the collection Buratino laulud (Songs of Buratino) and a selection of scripts was published in Buratino tegutseb jälle. 15 valitud lugu (Buratino Is Back. 15 Selected Stories, 2010). Wimberg meets his readers with Jaanus Vaiksoo.

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