David Ambrose

David Ambrose (1950) is a Welsh storyteller and one of the best known promoters of storytelling, a constant and eagerly anticipated performer in the theatres, castles, parks, libraries and schools of his home country, but also at international festivals from Canada to Iceland. Ambrose has stressed the simultaneously universal and unique nature of stories. The need to tell stories is characteristic of the majority of humanity. At the same time, telling these stories should be considered a work of fiction like writing poems or novels: the storyteller does not simply retell the story, he or she alters and updates it. David Ambrose is a founder member of the Tales From Beyond The Border Storytelling Company. You can listen to David Ambrose’is stories on several occasions during the HeadRead festival: on Friday, 29 May at 5 pm at Kloostri Ait and on Sunday 31 May at 6 pm in the garden of the house at Koidu Street 84. He will also conduct a storytelling workshop, which wille be held on Saturday, 30 May at 1 pm at the Tallinn Central Library.