Anneli Jordahl (1960) is a Swedish writer, who has authored about ten books. Her fifth novel The Bear Hunter’s Daughters (Björnjägarens döttrar: En berättelse om sju Systrar), published in 2022, was inspired by the classical 19th-century novel Seven Brothers by Aleksis Kivi. In line with the spirit of the 21st century, Jordahl changes the brothers into sisters. Moreover, whereas Kivi described how orphaned brothers end up at odds with society and flee to the forest, only to slowly but surely return to society, adapting is not as easy for the Bear Hunter’s daughters – the girls are brought out of the cold by helicopter and many of them end up with social workers, and fate leads them to different directions. Creating a wild atmosphere and haunting plot, Jordahl shows that in a male-dominated society, it is nearly impossible for women to impose their authentic will and find a place in life on their terms. Anneli Jordahl will talk to Saara Mildeberg.
Performs at
Date | Event Name | Location |
Sunday, 2 June at 15:00 | Anneli Jordahl and Saara Mildeberg | Estonian Writers’ Union |